The Relationship Between Age Of The Mother With The Incidence Of Abortion And Types Of Delivery In Imelda Rsu Indonesia Workers In Medan
Teenage Pregnancy, abortion, normal delivery, seacer, curettageAbstract
Based on a preliminary study, the highest abortion rate was at the Uma Imelda Indonesian Migrant Hospital in Medan. The incidence of abortion at Imelda Medan General Hospital in 2020 was 8.14% of cases, in 2021 it increased to 7.95% of cases, and in 2022 it increased to 22.90% of cases. Teenage pregnancies at RSU Imelda Medan in 2020 amounted to 6.47% of cases, in 2021 it increased to 9.19% of cases, and in 2022 it increased to 25% of cases. Factors causing abortion include very young women aged <20 years and old women >35 years. Type of delivery also affects the incidence of abortion such as normal delivery for mothers < 20, 20-35, < 35 normal (31%, 56%, 48%) cesarean delivery (48%, 42%, 40% and curettage) 25%, 2% , 4%). General purpose Knowing the relationship between teenage pregnancy and the type of delivery and the incidence of abortion at the Indonesian Workers' Hospital Imelda Medan January -March 2022
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